Please know i am new to NetApp, this is the first time i am doing an installation (There has to be a first time for everything). We have a AFF A200 system with 900Gb SSD drives. Now i have setup a cluster, and added the 2 Service processors, IP addressing / naming is correct. So far so good, no auto assignmend is enabled and the drives are assigned to the 2 nodes and is a shared enviremont.
When i do the command "disk show" is see 10 out of 12 drives are assigned to the nodes, 2 arent, but these are for parity if i am correct. This also seems to be correct, now when i enter the command "aggr show-spare-disks" i see 18 entries, shouldnt that also be 12 ? See below:
AMS_Cluster::> aggr show-spare-disks
Original Owner: AMS_Node-01
Root-Data1-Data2 Partitioned Spares
Local Local
Data Root Physical
Disk Type Class RPM Checksum Usable Usable Size Status
---------------- ------ ----------- ------ -------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1.0.1 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.3 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.5 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.7 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.9 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.11 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 143.7GB 894.3GB zeroed
Original Owner: AMS_Node-02
Root-Data1-Data2 Partitioned Spares
Local Local
Data Root Physical
Disk Type Class RPM Checksum Usable Usable Size Status
---------------- ------ ----------- ------ -------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1.0.0 SSD solid-state - block 750.3GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.1 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.2 SSD solid-state - block 750.3GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.3 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.4 SSD solid-state - block 750.3GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.5 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.6 SSD solid-state - block 750.3GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.7 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.8 SSD solid-state - block 750.3GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.9 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.10 SSD solid-state - block 750.3GB 143.7GB 894.3GB zeroed
1.0.11 SSD solid-state - block 375.2GB 0B 894.3GB zeroed
18 entries were displayed.
Also, for most of the drives i can only use 375 out of 894.3, does this have to do with the paritioning ?
What i would like to accomplish is that i create 2 data aggregates, where i share the drives over. So both of them have the same amount of data available. From there i will create the needed SVMs.
Could some help with this ? And explain a litte what i am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance, let me know if more information is needed.