I'm experiencing a couple of issus with OCPM 4.1.2
The plug-in has installed successfully on one management server and I am recieving alerts and lots of other telemetry from the clusters. The two issues I have run into so far are:
1. I cant add another management server to the pool. When I execute the "Clustered Data ONTAP: Add Management Server" task I am prompted for credentials and when I click OK I recieve the following error:
=== CLIENT ===
OnCommand Plugin for Microsoft 4.0
=== ERROR ===
=== MESSAGE ===
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: input
=== DETAILS ===
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: input
No corrective action found.
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(String input)
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(String input, String pattern, RegexOptions options)
at OC.Cluster.OM.Library.Performance.PerfStoreDB.GetOCPMDBServerConnectionInformation()
at OC.Cluster.OM.Management.ManageResourcePoolMember.ManagementServerCredentials.okButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
2. The "Volumes" view never loads in the console. When I select the "Volumes" view I am presented with a "Loading" message but it never actually loads. When I select the "Volumes" view in the web console I see all 192 volumes populated with relevent status and statistics.
Grateful for any advice