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Configure Oracle ASM with multiple LUNs oer disk group?
Oracle ASM allows for disk groups to be created which span multiple disks or LUN’s. ONTAP LUN’s will appear as Disk Paths in the ASM Configuration Assistant. Multiple LUN’s can be assigned to ASM Disk Groups to improve performance when using ONTAP 9.3.
This recipe describes how to assign multiple LUN’s to an ASM Disk Group:
1. Using the ASM Configuration Assistant, click on the Disk Groups tab.
2. From the Disk Groups tab, select “Create” to launch the “Create Disk Group” window.
3. In the “Create Disk Group” window, enter a name for the new Disk Group in the Disk Group Name field. In our case, we assigned 32 LUN’s to the Disk Group named ORA_DATA.
4. In the “Redundancy” pane, select desired Oracle Redundancy. In this case, we selected External (None) as extra redundancy was not needed for this database.
5. in the “Select Member Disks” pane, check the box for each disk path you wish to use. (The Disk Paths displayed are your previously defined LUN’s visible from your Oracle host.)
6. Click on the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the “Create Disk Group” window to display the “Disk Group Attributes”.
7. In the “Disk Group Attributes” pane, select 64 as the “Allocation Unit Size (MB)”.
8. Click “OK” to create the Disk Group. A window will pop up with the message “Disk Group created successfully.” Click “OK”.
See related Recipe to create an Oracle RAC Application on SAN: