Release 9.4P1
server::> set diag
server::> vserver audit show -fields audit-guarantee
vserver audit-guarantee
-------------- ---------------
svm01 true
server::> vserver audit modify -vserver svm01 -destination /audit_log -audit-guarantee false
server::> vserver audit show -fields audit-guarantee
vserver audit-guarantee
-------------- ---------------
svm01 false
server::> set admin
What does "audit-guarantee" buy me, or what does it do? By default it is set to True when audit logging is enabled. However, we were having issues with the volume running out space (resolved now) but audit-guarantee was preventing CIFs files from being accessed when the volume ran out of space. So it was disabled. What I cannot find is what exactly is does or does not do when it is disabled.
Thank you in advance.