OK I noticed a change in the way NABOX , Graphana , Harvest displays metrics related to Flash Cache and READS from SSD after CDOT upgrade from 9.4X to 9.5X - 3 different clusters / 3 diff upgrate dates / all display same characteristics - so is it just the way NABOX charts these metrics now or was the Algorithms for Flash Cache and READS from SSD modified in 9.5X ? thanks.
successful 9.4P5 3/2/2019 3/2/2019 nasi-04 9.4P3 9.4P5 00:19:39 01:59:17
successful 9.5P1 4/7/2019 4/7/2019 nasi-04 9.4P5 9.5P1 09:20:48 10:59:42
successful 9.4P5 2/23/2019 2/23/2019 nanw-04 9.4P3 9.4P5 04:03:40 05:46:12
successful 9.5P1 3/16/2019 3/16/2019 nanw-04 9.4P5 9.5P1 01:16:28 03:35:24
successful 9.4P5 3/2/2019 3/2/2019 nafh-04 9.4P3 9.4P5 00:32:41 02:14:18
successful 9.5P1 4/14/2019 4/14/2019 nafh-04 9.4P5 9.5P1 19:43:05 21:31:46