I can't seem to get scheduled snapshots enabled through powershell. I can assign a policy, but auto snapshots is not enabling, the below script says its sucessful, but the box remains unchecked and no snapshots are created. I tried setting nosnap directly but that says
Set-NcVolOption : Modification of the following fields: auto-snapshots-enabled not allowed for volumes of the type "Flexible Volume - Read-Write volume".
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-NcVolOption -Key "nosnap" -Value "off" -Name UCS_SAS_APP02_PROD01 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ( [Set-NcVolOption], EONTAPI_EVOLOPNOTSUPP
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Volume.SetNcVolOption
Is there a way to do this? Below is the code I'm using.
$vols=Get-NcVol | ?{
# get non-root volumes
$_.VolumeStateAttributes.IsNodeRoot -eq $false `
# which are rw (this will exclude SnapMirror, etc.)
$_.VolumeIdAttributes.Type -eq "rw" `
# with "nosnap" turned on
(($_ | Get-NcVolOption -Hashtable).value.nosnap -eq "on") `
# or with snapshot policy set to Target Policy
($_.VolumeSnapshotAttributes.SnapshotPolicy -eq "Daily_SS")
foreach($vol in $vols)
$query = @{
Name = $volName
$attributes = @{
VolumeSnapshotAttributes = @{
SnapshotPolicy = $policyName
$a=Get-NcVol -Template
Initialize-NcObjectProperty $a VolumeSnapshotAttributes
Update-NcVol -Query $query -Attributes $a