I have 3 different independent clusters that are all running 8.3.2 and I want to upgrade them into the 9.x stream.
1 x 8040 validates successfully. Need to get this up to 9.7
1 x 2240-2 validates successfully. Need to get this to 9.1
My other 8040 cluster is showing this error:
CLI output:
cluster image validate -version 9.0P4
It can take several minutes to complete validation...
Error: show failed: Both primary and backup images should be available for validation. One or both of them are not available
Failed to retrieve the validation information.
Reason: Validation failed because the software image selected for the validation is unavailable.
Click Retry to revalidate the cluster.
The only change that has occurred with this cluster is I have recently unjoined both a FAS3240 and FAS3250 from it.
Any idea on why this error is presenting itself?