Available CPU speed is: 13568 MHz. Minimum required: 13568 MHz.
tweak required
Hi colleagues,
so fare so good.
till the deployment inside Deploy Utility:
System specs:
vsphere 6.7
Host on: VMware ESXi, 6.7.0, 10302608Modell:SH67H3Prozessortyp:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHzLogische Prozessoren:8
Ontap Select:
Single node cluster
Cluster deploy failed. Review the events in the events tab to rectify the cluster configuration and try deploying the cluster again.
2020-07-13 09:28:13+02:00
Deployment request for cluster "cl1" accepted.
- InvalidCPUSpeed: Insufficient CPU speed in MHz for the combination of selected instance type and reservation percentage. Available CPU speed is: 13568 MHz. Minimum required: 13568 MHz.
Yes its not a Haswell core.
but its also not going to be a production environment .
and maybe if it would say: "your cpu speed is not sufficient" I would not write this post.
but it says: my speed is just the same as the speed required.
how ever,
I am not going to buy a old cpu, to replace a very old cpu. for lab usage the system was and is just ok.
so maybe someone can guide me through a workaround of this.
I tried it via gui deployment
also via cli
the error is still the same.
so where is this setting stored ? can I overrule it ? or -force deployment.
and help would be great.
many thanks