I read through the manuals but it seems I dont quite understand how to properly set up an NFS Storage with no_root_squash and Name Mapping for my Domain Admins to Root.
Have NFS Storage that I can mount on my Linux Box. Linux Box is connected with AD. I want to be able to create Folders/Files as root:root and also with my domain users domuser@domain:domgroup@domain. Preferably with NFS4.0 so I can use ACL and set multiple permission Groups on Folders/Files.
Set Up is now as following
Volume: nfs_sftp
QTree: qtree_nfs_sftp
vserver export-policy rule show -vserver SMB -policyname exp_NFS_SFTP -ruleindex 1
Vserver: SMB
Policy Name: exp_NFS_SFTP
Rule Index: 1
Access Protocol: nfs
List of Client Match Hostnames, IP Addresses, Netgroups, or Domains:
RO Access Rule: any
RW Access Rule: any
User ID To Which Anonymous Users Are Mapped: 65534
Superuser Security Types: sys
Honor SetUID Bits in SETATTR: true
Allow Creation of Devices: true
volume show -vserver SMB -volume nfs_sftp -fields policy
vserver volume policy
------------- -------- ------------
SMB nfs_sftp exp_NFS_SFTP
nfs show -vserver SMB -instance
Vserver: SMB
General NFS Access: true
NFS v3: enabled
NFS v4.0: enabled
UDP Protocol: enabled
TCP Protocol: enabled
Default Windows User:
NFSv4.0 ACL Support: enabled
NFSv4.0 Read Delegation Support: disabled
NFSv4.0 Write Delegation Support: disabled
NFSv4 ID Mapping Domain: localdomain
NFSv4 Grace Timeout Value (in secs): 45
Preserves and Modifies NFSv4 ACL (and NTFS File Permissions in Unified Security Style): enabled
NFSv4.1 Minor Version Support: disabled
Rquota Enable: disabled
NFSv4.1 Parallel NFS Support: enabled
NFSv4.1 ACL Support: disabled
NFS vStorage Support: disabled
NFSv4 Support for Numeric Owner IDs: enabled
Default Windows Group: -
NFSv4.1 Read Delegation Support: disabled
NFSv4.1 Write Delegation Support: disabled
NFS Mount Root Only: enabled
NFS Root Only: disabled
Permitted Kerberos Encryption Types: des, des3, aes-128, aes-256
Showmount Enabled: enabled
Set the Protocol Used for Name Services Lookups for Exports: udp
NFSv3 MS-DOS Client Support: disabled
Idle Connection Timeout Value (in seconds): 360
Are Idle NFS Connections Supported: disabled
Hide Snapshot Directory under NFSv3 Mount Point: disabled
Provide Root Path as Showmount State: disabled
vserver name-mapping show -vserver SMB
Vserver: SMB
Direction: win-unix
Position Hostname IP Address/Mask
-------- ---------------- ----------------
1 - - Pattern: Domain\\User1
Replacement: root
My Issue now is:
With NFS4.1 activated and a Standard Domain User set im able to mount and list everything in it but when I create a Folder its owner is shown as root but reroutet to nobody.
root@ubuntu:/# mount -t nfs /mnt
root@ubuntu:/mnt# ls -la
total 12
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 Aug 6 11:30 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 Jul 22 09:18 ..
drwx------ 3 root root 4096 Aug 6 11:32 testfolder
root@ubuntu:/mnt# getfacl testfolder/
# file: testfolder/
# owner: root
# group: root
root@ubuntu:/mnt# setfacl -m g:domaingrp:rwx testfolder/
setfacl: testfolder/: Operation not supported
With NFS4.0 activated im not able to mount the Share.
root@ubuntu:/# mount -t nfs /mnt
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
With NFS3 activated I can mount the share but have no permission to list whats in it, I also created the "exp_NFS_SFTP" file to refer to the Export Policy as suggested in the Manual.
I def did not quite understand how to properly configure it so Im full of hope someone can point me in the right directions.