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Easily create a SnapLock volume with Volume Append mode enabled
1. Install the SnapLock license
license add -license-code <key>
2. Initialize the compliance clock on all the nodes of the cluster
snaplock compliance-clock initialize -node <nodename>
3. Create a SnapLock aggregate of the appropriate SnapLock type
storage aggregate create -aggregate <aggrname> -diskcount <count> -snaplock-type <enterprise|compliance>
4. Create a volume on the aggregate created.
volume create -vserver <vservername> -volume <volname> -aggregate <aggrname> -size <size>
5. Once the volume is created, enable the volume append mode
volume snaplock modify -vserver <vservername> -volume <volname> -is-volume-append-mode-enabled true
For more information, see the ONTAP 9 documentation center